It's amazing how a slight drop in the temperatures can motivate a person! It has cooled off to a balmy 90 degrees here, and while it's still warm in the afternoons, the mornings and the evenings have been very perfectly pleasant. It has made the Logan girls happy and productive!
This morning, we went to the park. Ella was so happy to be playing outside. It has been forever since we have done anything outside during the day. There were a whole bunch of other little ones and their moms there too. Everyone seemed relieved to be able to get out of the house.
True to Ella form, she had made her a new best friend within the first minute and a half of being there. I have always been so fascinated with that. All it usually takes to establish a friendship among children is for one child to start following another child around for a few seconds, then have a brief time of staring/sizing each other up that usually is followed by some silly act or time of giggling, and then the question finally comes, "Do you want to play with me?". And, just like that, they are friends. Why can't adults make friends as easily as their children? I mean, we still do the whole "size each other up" thing, but usually that is all there is to it. I will say it has been pretty easy to get to know other moms at the park. I was very intimidated by that whole "stay-at-home mom crowd" at first (still kinda feel uncomfortable going to Target in the middle of the day with the Junior Leaguers in their tennis skirts), but I think most moms crave social interaction with anyone other than their child.
So, it was a good time at the park. Ella made friends, and I chatted with some other adults. We didn't stay too long because it started getting really warm out. And, it had been about 2 hours since I had eaten, so it was time to head home and fix some sandwiches.
After we ate, we worked in the yard some. There was plenty of shade, so it wasn't hot at all. I raked and swept and watered the plants while Ella terrorized Lizzie. You would think that I would make Ella be more kind to Lizzie, but I. LOVE. IT. It is so funny watching Ella boss Lizzie around. Lizzie is so bad, she deserves every second of it. The whole time Ella is out there, she is carrying Lizzie all over the yard, putting different things on her head, and just pestering the stew out of her. Lizzie just stares at me with this look of utter humiliation and disappointment like she can't believe this is what her life has come to.
I say that jokingly. I think Lizzie loves it. Ella gives her more attention than she has had in a long time. And as rough as Ella is with her, Lizzie never growls or snaps at her-which if you know Lizzie, you know this is a big deal. She growled at me just yesterday when I told her and Sam to stop howling at that dang train again.
Yesterday, I went to see Dr. Bush to check up on Baby Logan. We listened to the heartbeat again, and it was much stronger that last time. I was pretty excited! He scheduled me to come back in 4 weeks for my sonogram!! I am so excited to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I can honestly say that I do not care either way. At first, I was saying I wanted a boy because it seemed like the naturally desire. I have my girl, I want a boy. But recently, I have thought of some really cute girl names and it has gotten me excited about that possibility as well. Either way, I know we have been extremely blessed by God. We have wanted this baby for a long time now!
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